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SunAge v1.06 - Change Log
 - Fixed: Mouse cursor hiding behind minimap when spectating a mp-game.
 - Fixed: Squads not shown on minimap in Multiplayer games on the client side.
 - Fixed: Lost Squad-Shortcuts when re-dragging a selection rect over a squad / partial squad.
 - Fixed: Raakzun Mines didn't show resources.
 - Fixed: Slight loss of Resource (Federals & Sentinel only).
 - Fixed: Invisible but still active GUI (loadgame) - panes after a savegame has been loaded.
 - Fixed: Buildbot could build / repair while in alternate mode.
 - Fixed: Sometimes-freeze on single-soldier-grouping actions with commanders.
 - Fixed: Liberator alt mode.
 - Fixed: Skimmer alt mode.
 - Fixed: BMR - lights remaining on ground after entering Harbinger.
 - Fixed: BMR - building / repairing when in AM. removed.
 - Fixed: Golgotha alt mode.
 - Fixed: Cougar glitch when switching to AM and being on frame 31.
 - Fixed: Shortcut-Selection (eg. W) of unbuilt units/buildings.
 - Fixed: Corrupted Pathing after loading a savegame
 - Fixed: Errormessage on saving: OPSID ... not found... - removed
 - Fixed: sometimes crash when starting a MP-session after playing a campaign mission.
 - Fixed: Squad-Shortcuts now also saved with savegames
 - Fixed: Batchmode-glitch  (last frame of the cursor = wrong icon)

 - Added: Difficulty Settings for Campaign missions.
 - Added: Improved "boxing" of units
 - Added: Support for Laptops with "Speed Step" technology.
 - Added: Improved Formation-Dragging feature
 - Added: Deconstruction of own buildings (via DELETE)
 - Added: New standard handling for bomber-units (Icarus Bomber & Dominator) - units fly directly over
 - Added: Better performing scrolling (128 MB - allocation used instead of 64 MB)
 - Added: "S" stops squads IMMEDIATELY now
 - Added: 3rd Mousehandling style added: "RMB Style(alt)" - Building placing by LMB / - RMB cancels
 - Added: Whiteframe as clearly visibly border for the current viewport.
 - Added: Instant squad reaction on commands.
 - Added: increased squad-overlapping-tolerance.
 - Added: Standard - Session Port set to 27960.

 - Optimized: learning curve of the first 4 level.

Map specific:
 - Fixed: The Tunnels: crash in line 1614.